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Frigiking Aspen Coolers – Dimensional Data
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Frigiking Aspen Coolers – Specifications
Commercial Cooler Technical Information Performance shows they insulation type B – free inlet, duct outlet, power Rating (B.H.P.) does not include driver losses. Performance ratings include the effects of evaporative media in the airstream [table id=14 /] [table id=13 /] [table id=15 /] Sheave Selection All sheaves listed are adjustable to meet the blower speed RPM requirements for your application. …
Frigiking Aspen Coolers – Performance
Energy Efficiency & Exceptional Performance Specification of critical components is vital in obtaining the required discharge volume through the unit. Motor horsepower, voltage, motor shaft outside diameter, motor sheave outside and inside diameter all directly relate to the revolutions per minute (RPM) of the blower wheel. Equally important is the reduction in electrical usage and water required for operation. The …
What is evaporative cooling?
Nature’s most efficient means of cooling is through the evaporation of water. Evaporative cooling works on the principle of heat absorption by moisture evaporation. The evaporative cooler draws exterior air into special pads soaked with water, where the air is cooled by evaporation, then circulated into your space.
What is the difference between Aspen pads and Rigid Media pads?
Aspen pads are made of shredded aspen wood and are approximately 75% efficient. Rigid Media pads are made of glued together cellulous material that is honeycomb in shape and the standard product is approximately 85% efficient.